Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thing 16: E-books

What do you think of PsycBooks?

Tried a quick search on PsychBooks, and it found what I needed as a PDF. The screen is ok for short reading, but reading an entire book online seems tedious. Students could print it if needed.

The book is always available online which may increases access...but only if you have a working internet connection! At a four-year school where the entire residential campus is wired, and where laptops are required, that might be a guarantee of access. But at JTCC, where some students MUST come to campus for computer/internet access, it can be more problematic.

Future of E-books/Popularity

E-books depend on the device!Some students have a reading device they love or are very comfortable using (think iPad and iTouch). They like playing with the books, bookmarking and highlighting with their device. They appreciate the reduced cost of E-books (though some have said their financial aid will only cover print, not electronic!)

Other students do not have a device they like, or do not like to read with their device. They need to spread out and get creative. Some just like the tactile experience of print. Some do not have reliable internet access at home. Older students are sometimes intimidated by electronics.

Once there is a device/reader that everyone likes, E-book popularity will really launch. But until then...

I have played with friend's Kindles and Nooks. Thought Kindle was clunky and slow, much harder to use than the iTouch, and not intuitive at all. I could not figure out how to load different books and had to be shown.  The Nook was the same, felt very heavy and odd.

Fans say they love being able to get books instantly, the reduced price, the back lighting and having many books at one time. I never buy books (why buy when I can just check them out?) so why go all spendy when you can kick it old school at the library for free?

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