Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thing 13: Document Sharing

Beethoven rocks!

Document sharing would be great for collaboration among library staff or between students. I could see using Google Docs as a wiki; the sharing options make it possible to keep the guest list short or open it to the world. A Library Training Manual would be semi-public for library staff. The library could create a public document on circulation policies (so exciting.) Or create custom guides for students and subjects!

For students, Google Docs would work for group projects; often our nursing students collaborate on PowerPoint presentations. This would prevent the inevitable "I have a different version" and "send me the file!" problems that arise. Students could work on one platform and with one tool.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thing 12: Cloud Computing

Google docs! I have been working with students, encouraging them to use the Google Docs that are available with the VCCS email.
  • Need a free word processor? Google DOCS!
  • Need a place to write your paper BEFORE you print it out at school? GOOGLE DOCS.
  • No flash drive? GOOGLE DOCS!
Google Docs will not do everything, but for the basics on a budget--and a place that is always accessible, with an internet connection, it works great.

I use Google Docs for my Cub Scout recordkeeping, knowing that one day I can share the information...and pass it to the next Advancement Chair. We could collaborate--or I can transfer ownership of the records, all over the web. PERFECT.

Thing 11: URL Shorteners

Short URLs make links accessible on Twitter and through mobile devices. As the web becomes more mobile, simple short links are going to be more crucial--small screens, character limits, and tiny keyboards demand it.

I have used and with success.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thing 10: Tweeting.

I've been on Twitter for awhile, but only active for the last few months. Like Facebook, Twitter was not where my friends were...why bother? Twitter has a huge corporate buzz, but I am still deciding for myself if I want to use it regularly. I do not have a smartphone, and much of the fun of Twitter is the info on the go.

NOW I have a few library buddies (hi Amanda!) who use Twitter, and I started following them for fun and happiness. Plus, learning the ropes.

I like Mark Bittman and he has a new book coming out, so I've been following him. His tweets are a mix of interesting articles and real life activities. King Arthur Flour is fun; their blog is one of my all-time favorites. Others are not so interesting. I tried following Robin Quivers, but I found her tweets cold and irritating. It is still more interesting for me to hear about peers rather than read a PR feed.

"Interruptive" media is not a favorite (this is a theme with me. See also: IM/chat and phone calls.) I'll check what is going on when I want not send me a noisy update! Do not break my concentration! I open Twitter when I want to read it and close it when I am done.

I've tried some searches with mixed success. Twitter is like a newspaper front page--you see what grabs you and then research from there. Discovery vs. depth. Headline vs. article. Crowdsourcing vs. experts. Twitter use is still evolving.

Thing 9.5: Image Generators

 Nothing says happiness like hotdogs and cheezburgers!

Like the dancing baby, Rickrolling and the Pet Rock, LOLcats may be just a fad. But a funny, funny fad!

Thing 9: Photos and Images


[This image has all rights reserved so I could not share it directly! ]

I love this image of the rainbow of books (I searched on rainbow books, go figure.) The most fun is in the COMMENTS. Some love the visuals and want to add the group to a discovery pool or use it for inspiration for the shelves. Others (like the photographer) are frustrated because now they cannot FIND anything. Others tagged the image itself with comments...FUN.

I understand that images of events and people from library events would be interesting. Rights to take their pictures are more problematic. At JTCC we need signed releases for any photos or video. Even our professional videographer struggles with this...but it is our interpretation of the law.

Thing 8: Screencasting.

This screencast was built with Captivate to help distance students understand how to use the EBSCO databases.

How to use the EBSCO Databases

  • I find voice-over video frustrating. I do not need sound and would rather read than listen. If there has to be sound, it should be closed-captioned. AM I ALONE IN THIS? For our screencast we did not use voice.
  • Can everyone see it? Often the people who need the help the most have the least amount of plug-ins/access/bandwidth on their computer. If a student needs to come to Tyler to see it, I can demonstrate in person.
  • Short. Most video is too long! Give me 3 minutes. Break it into sections if it is longer. I can decide if I need the second chapter. Don't be a Diva Director.
Students ask for video, and with our blog and Facebook we can get the information to them. We have planned to use more screencasts/video in the future for our students.

Thing 7: Sharing Slide Presentations.

Slideshare works as both a public sharing space and as a research tool for presentations. Need an expert? Try Slideshare. Proud of your work? Post it for others to learn.

The Good:
  • Keep your work in one place. No lost files.
  • Use other presentations for information--or inspiration.  
  • See statistics/comments on how popular/helpful your work is.
  • Cannot go to the conference? See what the experts are saying on the topic. Share with colleagues when you return to the library. 

The Bad:
  • Cannot imagine students using it; good tool for faculty and staff.
  • Duplicates Blackboard for presentation storage.
  • SLOW. Unbelievably slow on my machine. Nearly crashed Firefox (this may be a network/filter issue and not a Firefox one.)
Five Minutes on Goodreads

    Thing 6: Chat

    JTCC has been using LRC Live, and we are accusomed to talking to students in chat. I earned my MLIS through distance education, and weekly 2 hour chats were built into every class. Like all communication, chat has good and bad elements:

    • Confusion. Like many online interactions, the visual social cues are missing.Without seeing someone, what are they really saying? Easy to misconstrue meanings.
    • Typing. With chat you need to type fast (or know good abbreviations.)
    • Interruptions. Sometimes I am working and do not want to chat--it breaks my concentration. Or I need to get something done and do not want to socialize.
    • Frustration. Computer not fast enough for chat sometimes

    What's next...with the mobile web? Are we going to make a switch to texting? I find texting very handy, often more convenient than a phone call. It is less of an interruption, and can be faster (heres the address) or slower (too many details.) Right tool for the right job!

    Thing 5: Wikis

    Wikis work well as a manual; the cataloger's manual from University of Limerick is a great idea. With a wiki updates can be made quickly and by all...its official crowd sourcing! With everthing online its available to catalogers as a reference, and to update.

    Of course, the responsibility of the contributors to post correctly, to curate themselves on their entries.

    Our JTCC's Library Procedures Manual could be converted to a wiki. It is available in print form and online. Everyone has access to the information in both formats. With a wiki, everyone could make updates rather than having one person with the entire burden. Having said that, having one curator makes sure that the voice and message are both correct and consistent. Current vs. consistent vs. curated...can it be all three?

    Thing 4: Social Networking

    All good things come from knitting....first blogs, then RSS, then RAVELRY.

    I have been using social networking since 2007, when began. I had messed with Facebook, but none of my friends were using Facebook so using it was a lonely proposition. Ravelry was different. It has a place to store all my projects, could link up patterns and yarn, and I could talk to my knitbuds about patterns and problems and yarn purchases...without leaving the house.

    Ravelry is still active. I also have a presence on Goodreads (another favorite site--friend me there!) LinkedIn and Facebook.

    Today the JTCC library has a blog and a "turn" on the college's main Facebook page (we called Tuesday!) I manage both of these, plus the content for the library's website, and the library's site on the college intranet. I have encouraged students and colleagues to friend me on Goodreads; it is the most public of all my sites. I'm thinking about establishing a formal group for the student book club I sponsor. Many of those students are already my friend on Goodreads.

    Still....the line between personal and professional continues to blur. Are we sharing too much? When will the pendulum swing the other way?

    Monday, October 25, 2010

    Thing 3: RSS Feeds

    RSS Feeds are essential to life! How else would I get all the news I need, from every obscure corner of the world?

    I use two readers; one for personal (Bloglines) and  one for work-related news (Google Reader.) Only now, the work and personal are going to beloved Bloglines is closing up shop, and will no longer be available in about a week (SOB!) I have transferred my feeds to Google Reader, but I do not like their tools or interface as much as Bloglines. At least gReader has an app, since I do most of my media consuming/reading through my iPod touch.

    Does this mean RSS is less crucial? Are readers getting their information in other places...or through other subscriptions? Blogs do integrate with Twitter and Facebook. Are writers reaching their readers through those proprietary systems, rather than through the less-ads simplicity of Bloglines? Is RSS being replaced...or just more seamlessly integrated?

    Thing 2: Getting Started / Web 2.0 Concepts

    Web 2.0 is here and going to stay. Bloggers are interviewed with print journalists; television is watched less and less (and the average watcher's age is going UP.) College students have to answer the question "Do I friend my mom on Facebook?" Movie stars use Twitter to keep in touch with their fans. People use their smartphones not just for texting but for research, for GPS, for....everything.

    When does Web 2.0 become Web 3.0?